LaPlante Management

Colorado Springs, United States | 300 Projekte | 9 Zertifizierungen
LaPlante Management is a Zendesk Premier implementation and consulting partner. We specialize in setting up brand new instances and optimizing existing instances to go beyond the basics and get the most out of what Zendesk has to offer.

Coming from a background as Zendesk Administrators, and with uniquely skilled staff who can translate technology into regular human speak, our team is focused on delivering customized solutions to get you using Zendesk to its full potential. If you have a new instance, our certified admins will walk you through each step of the process to get your Help Center and workflows designed and customized to maximize the power of Zendesk. If you have an existing instance and know it could be better but aren't sure exactly what to do next, we'll perform an audit to provide recommendations on a variety of areas, then work with your team to implement the changes you agree to. If you already know what you want to fix but don't have the resources to do it, we're happy to jump in and help out. We love Zendesk, and we love helping our clients set it up in a way that makes their customer service as efficient and effective as possible!


Badge: Premier Solution PartnerBadge: Premier Implementation Partner
Angebotene Services
Design/Guide Theming
System Integrator
CX Consultant
North America
Implementation Partner
Referral Partner
App Developer
Solution Provider
Theme developer

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