Split ‘n’ Close

Split and Close Tickets

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Preview image of app
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Details zur App

Kompatibel mit
Installationen insgesamt
SmallCubed Inc.
Multiple plans available

Apps lassen sich direkt in Ihrem Account installieren

Pläne und Preise


Never pay a thing

Free plan features:

  • Create new ticket based on current one
  • Auto-fill from last comment
  • Creates link between tickets
  • Comment on original ticket
  • Append CCs to new ticket
  • Close ticket directly
  • Too large attachment handling

Free 10-day trial, then $3.00 per agent, per month

Premium plan includes all features from the Free plan, plus:

  • Pick comments, assignee & requester for new ticket
  • Custom fields support
  • Add attachments
  • Optionally add tags to new ticket
  • Designate default form
  • Allow administrator to disable close ticket feature

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